export declare class PollAnswerBuilder
data?: Partial<Omit<APIPollAnswer, 'answer_id'>>)
constructor(data?: Partial<Omit<APIPollAnswer, 'answer_id'>>
Creates a new poll answer from API data.
protectedreadonlyPollAnswerData data :
The API data associated with this poll answer.
setMediaoptions: APIPollMedia | PollAnswerMediaBuilder | ((builder: PollAnswerMediaBuilder) => PollAnswerMediaBuilder)) : this (
options: APIPollMedia | PollAnswerMediaBuilder | ((builder: PollAnswerMediaBuilder) => PollAnswerMediaBuilder)
Sets the media for this poll answer.
toJSONvalidationOverride?: boolean) : Omit<APIPollAnswer, 'answer_id'> (
validationOverride?: boolean
Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.Note that by disabling validation, there is no guarantee that the resulting object will be valid.
updateMediaupdater: (builder: PollAnswerMediaBuilder) => void) : this (
updater: (builder: PollAnswerMediaBuilder) => void
Updates the media of this poll answer.