class Client
BaseClientexport class Client<Ready extends boolean = boolean> extends BaseClient
The main hub for interacting with the Discord API, and the starting point for any bot.
options: ClientOptions)
constructor(If<Ready, ClientApplication> application :
The application of this bot
ChannelManager channels :
All of the BaseChannels that the client is currently handling - as long as sharding isn't being used, this will be *every * channel in *every * guild the bot is a member of. Note that DM channels will not be initially cached, and thus not be present in the Manager without their explicit fetching or use.
readonlyBaseGuildEmojiManager emojis :
A manager of all the custom emojis that the client has access to
GuildManager guilds :
A manager of all the guilds the client is currently handling - as long as sharding isn't being used, this will be *every * guild the bot is a member of
Omit<ClientOptions, 'intents'> & { intents: IntentsBitField } options :
The options the client was instantiated with
Time at which the client was last regarded as being in the Ready state (each time the client disconnects and successfully reconnects, this will be overwritten)
ShardClientUtil | null shard :
Shard helpers for the client (only if the process was spawned from a ShardingManager)
Sweepers sweepers :
The sweeping functions and their intervals used to periodically sweep caches
Authorization token for the logged in bot. If present, this defaults to process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN
when instantiating the client This should be kept private at all times.
How long it has been since the client last entered the Ready state in milliseconds
If<Ready, ClientUser> user :
User that the client is logged in as
UserManager users :
The user manager of this client
ClientVoiceManager voice :
The voice manager of the client
WebSocketManager ws :
The WebSocket manager of the client
Inherited from: BaseClient
deleteWebhookid: Snowflakeoptions?: WebhookDeleteOptions) : Promise<void> (
Deletes a webhook.
emitEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Event...args: ClientEvents[Event]) : boolean <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
fetchGuildPreviewguild: GuildResolvable) : Promise<GuildPreview> (
Obtains a guild preview from Discord, available for all guilds the bot is in and all Discoverable guilds.
fetchGuildTemplatetemplate: GuildTemplateResolvable) : Promise<GuildTemplate> (
Obtains a template from Discord.
.then(template => console.log(`Obtained template with code: ${template.code}`))
fetchGuildWidgetguild: GuildResolvable) : Promise<Widget> (
Obtains the widget data of a guild from Discord, available for guilds with the widget enabled.
fetchInviteinvite: InviteResolvableoptions?: ClientFetchInviteOptions) : Promise<Invite> (
Obtains an invite from Discord.
.then(invite => console.log(`Obtained invite with code: ${invite.code}`))
deprecated fetchPremiumStickerPacksReturnType<Client['fetchStickerPacks']> () :
Use fetchStickerPacks instead.
Obtains the list of available sticker packs.
Obtains a sticker from Discord.
.then(sticker => console.log(`Obtained sticker with name: ${}`))
fetchStickerPacksoptions: { packId: Snowflake }) : Promise<StickerPack> (
Obtains the list of available sticker packs.
.then(packs => console.log(`Available sticker packs are: ${ =>', ')}`))
client.fetchStickerPacks({ packId: '751604115435421716' })
.then(pack => console.log(`Sticker pack name: ${}`))
Returns: A collection of sticker packs, or a single sticker pack if a packId was provided
fetchVoiceRegionsPromise<Collection<string, VoiceRegion>> () :
Obtains the available voice regions from Discord.
.then(regions => console.log(`Available regions are: ${ =>', ')}`))
Obtains a webhook from Discord.
client.fetchWebhook('id', 'token')
.then(webhook => console.log(`Obtained webhook with name: ${}`))
generateInviteoptions?: InviteGenerationOptions) : string (
Generates a link that can be used to invite the bot to a guild.
const link = client.generateInvite({
scopes: [OAuth2Scopes.ApplicationsCommands],
console.log(`Generated application invite link: ${link}`);
const link = client.generateInvite({
permissions: [
scopes: [OAuth2Scopes.Bot],
console.log(`Generated bot invite link: ${link}`);
isReadythis is Client<true> () :
Returns whether the client has logged in, indicative of being able to access properties such as user
and application
Logs the client in, establishing a WebSocket connection to Discord.
client.login('my token');
Returns: Token of the account used
offEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Eventlistener: (...args: ClientEvents[Event]) => void) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
onEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Eventlistener: (...args: ClientEvents[Event]) => void) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
static onEmitter extends EventEmitter
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
>(eventEmitter: Emitteroptions?: { signal?: AbortSignal | undefined }) : AsyncIterableIterator<Emitter extends Client ? ClientEvents[Event] : any[]> <
Emitter extends EventEmitter
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
onceEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Eventlistener: (...args: ClientEvents[Event]) => void) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
static onceEmitter extends EventEmitter
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
>(eventEmitter: Emitteroptions?: { signal?: AbortSignal | undefined }) : Promise<Emitter extends Client ? ClientEvents[Event] : any[]> <
Emitter extends EventEmitter
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
removeAllListenersEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event?: Event) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
toJSONunknown () :
Emitted whenever permissions for an application command in a guild were updated. This includes permission updates for other applications in addition to the logged in client, check data.applicationId
to verify which application the update is for
autoModerationActionExecutionautoModerationActionExecution: AutoModerationActionExecution) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule is triggered. This event requires the permission.
autoModerationRuleCreateautoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule is created. This event requires the permission.
autoModerationRuleDeleteautoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule is deleted. This event requires the permission.
autoModerationRuleUpdateoldAutoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule | nullnewAutoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule gets updated. This event requires the permission.
channelCreatechannel: GuildChannel) (
Emitted whenever a guild channel is created.
channelDeletechannel: DMChannel | GuildChannel) (
Emitted whenever a channel is deleted.
channelPinsUpdatechannel: TextBasedChannelstime: Date) (
Emitted whenever the pins of a channel are updated. Due to the nature of the WebSocket event, not much information can be provided easily here - you need to manually check the pins yourself.
channelUpdateoldChannel: DMChannel | GuildChannelnewChannel: DMChannel | GuildChannel) (
Emitted whenever a channel is updated - e.g. name change, topic change, channel type change.
debuginfo: string) (
Emitted for general debugging information.
emojiCreateemoji: GuildEmoji) (
Emitted whenever a custom emoji is created in a guild.
emojiDeleteemoji: GuildEmoji) (
Emitted whenever a custom emoji is deleted in a guild.
emojiUpdateoldEmoji: GuildEmojinewEmoji: GuildEmoji) (
Emitted whenever a custom emoji is updated in a guild.
entitlementCreateentitlement: Entitlement) (
Emitted whenever an entitlement is created.
entitlementDeleteentitlement: Entitlement) (
Emitted whenever an entitlement is deleted. Entitlements are not deleted when they expire. This is only triggered when Discord issues a refund or deletes the entitlement manually.
entitlementUpdateoldEntitlement: Entitlement | nullnewEntitlement: Entitlement) (
Emitted whenever an entitlement is updated - i.e. when a user's subscription renews.
errorerror: Error) (
Emitted when the client encounters an error. Errors thrown within this event do not have a catch handler, it is recommended to not use async functions as error
event handlers. See the [Node.js docs]( for details.
guildAuditLogEntryCreateauditLogEntry: GuildAuditLogsEntryguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild audit log entry is created.
guildAvailableguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild becomes available.
guildBanAddban: GuildBan) (
Emitted whenever a member is banned from a guild.
guildBanRemoveban: GuildBan) (
Emitted whenever a member is unbanned from a guild.
guildCreateguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever the client joins a guild.
guildDeleteguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild kicks the client or the guild is deleted/left.
guildIntegrationsUpdateguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild integration is updated
guildMemberAddmember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a user joins a guild.
guildMemberAvailablemember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a member becomes available.
guildMemberRemovemember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a member leaves a guild, or is kicked.
Emitted whenever a chunk of guild members is received (all members come from the same guild).
guildMemberUpdateoldMember: GuildMembernewMember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a guild member changes - i.e. new role, removed role, nickname.
guildScheduledEventCreateguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent) (
Emitted whenever a guild scheduled event is created.
guildScheduledEventDeleteguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent) (
Emitted whenever a guild scheduled event is deleted.
guildScheduledEventUpdateoldGuildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent | nullnewGuildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent) (
Emitted whenever a guild scheduled event gets updated.
guildScheduledEventUserAddguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventuser: User) (
Emitted whenever a user subscribes to a guild scheduled event
guildScheduledEventUserRemoveguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventuser: User) (
Emitted whenever a user unsubscribes from a guild scheduled event
guildUnavailableguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild becomes unavailable, likely due to a server outage.
interactionCreateinteraction: BaseInteraction) (
Emitted when an interaction is created.
inviteCreateinvite: Invite) (
Emitted when an invite is created. This event requires the permission for the channel.