interface ClientOptions

export interface ClientOptions

Options for a client.

allowedMentions? : MessageMentionOptions

The default value for allowedMentions

closeTimeout? : number = 5_000

The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the close frame to be received from the WebSocket. Don't have this too high/low. It's best to have it between 2_000-6_000 ms.

enforceNonce? : boolean = false

The default value for enforceNonce

failIfNotExists? : boolean = true

The default value for failIfNotExists

Intents to enable for this connection

jsonTransformer? : (obj: unknown) => unknown

A function used to transform outgoing json data

makeCache? : CacheFactory

Function to create a cache. You can use your own function, or the Options class to customize the Collection used for the cache. Overriding the cache used in GuildManager, ChannelManager, GuildChannelManager, RoleManager, and PermissionOverwriteManager is unsupported and **will* * break functionality

partials? : readonly Partials[]

Structures allowed to be partial. This means events can be emitted even when they're missing all the data for a particular structure. See the "Partial Structures" topic on the guide for some important usage information, as partials require you to put checks in place when handling data.

presence? : PresenceData

Presence data to use upon login

rest? : Partial<RESTOptions>

Options for the REST manager

sweepers? : SweeperOptions = this.DefaultSweeperSettings

Options for cache sweeping

waitGuildTimeout? : number = 15_000

Time in milliseconds that clients with the GatewayIntentBits.Guilds gateway intent should wait for missing guilds to be received before being ready.

Options for the WebSocketManager